
Flexible preceptorships and formal fellowships

The fellowship and preceptorship programs at AICPS range from 1 week observational preceptor programs to formal fellowships using both the Infinity Life Center Clinics and Operating to various hospital affiliations. Also rotations are available at specialist centers here in Hawaii or Mainland USA through our affiliate teaching centers.

Tele Faculty

Additionally we have tele-falculty available through Athena Clinics International’s Cosmentor software through the internet which provide support and consultations when you return to your home. This services also provides ongoing support and consultation so that you will never be left alone in your learning process.

Our Director’s message

Thank you for looking to come for our fellowship , preceptorship or courses. My name is David Higashiguchi and I am the Director for the American Institute of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery located here in Honolulu Hawaii. As the director of the institute along with Dr. Pasquale as Chairman and Dr. Peterson as Co Chairman we want to welcome all students to our teaching center. Our goal is to make sure that your experience here meets your expectations and your goals are met.

Many of our programs are formal such as the fellowships which range from 6 months to a year. However our observational preceptorships are more flexible and can be designed to meet your specific needs.Just write me with what you feel is the best way we can accommodate your needs. We realize many of our students have full time practices or positions which do not allow for full time study as in our formal programs so we can help you design your learning experience to meet your specific needs.

Our course are listed as they become scheduled on the course listings. Simply sign up and we will do the rest. Again if you have specific needs please feel free to contact me.

David Higashiguchi


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