Breast Implant Seminar

The breast implant seminar is a three day seminar for new and experienced breast augmentation surgeons. We will review the fundamentals, anatomical considerations and techniques. The rotating instructors will share their knowledge, experience and personal pearls covering how they size a patient to the implant manufacturer they use and prefer.

DAY 1 (9am- 1pm)The Basics
-anatomy, development, pathology, psychology of breast augmentation patient, indications , contraindications. special considerations.

DAY 2 (9am-1pm) The Techniques
-review of surgical approaches to breast augmentation, axillary, infra mammary , periareola, and the novel approaches. This includes the review of instrumentation available and instructors personal technique and experience.

Day 3 (9am-1pm) Case review
-with lively discussion with instructors , please bring any slides or cases you wish to discuss. Group discussion and slides will dominate most of third day.


scheduled dates for this course will be announced soon


Register for this course by clicking here.
